For years, both the Löseke company and the Löseke family have been involved in the areas of culture, science and art.
Culture Factory Löseke
Since 1992, the Löseke family and company have been committed to the Kulturfabrik Löseke: a cultural association based in the former company headquarters in Langer Garten - near Hildesheim's main train station - which has since played a decisive role in shaping and influencing Hildesheim's cultural scene.
The KUFA offers the independent cultural and theater scene a production and presentation venue and a broad audience the opportunity to interactively participate in innovative, cross-disciplinary and experimental art.
The enormous response and the great demand for this form of culture is certainly also due to the fact that the University of Hildesheim offers the opportunity to study "applied cultural studies and aesthetic practice" - a course of study that is offered exclusively in Hildesheim throughout Germany.
The Arwed Löseke company moved its headquarters from Langer Garten to the Bavenstedt industrial estate in the mid-1970s. The rapid growth of the company made the expansion of the production facilities indispensable. The striking red brick building in Langer Garten was initially used as a warehouse until the consistent expansion in Bavenstedt made external storage largely superfluous.
The foundation stone for the cultural use of the house in Langer Garten was laid in 1990 with the first music rehearsal room. Shortly thereafter, Hildesheim's independent theater scene moved in, rehearsing its first plays among pallets of dust filtration bags.
In 1992, the Kulturfabrik Löseke was officially opened as such. This was made possible by the great commitment and perseverance of the operators. The factory had to be converted from a pure production facility to a service operation that meets all public and internal demands.
Mr. Arwed Löseke has intensively supported the KUFA by reducing the rent to zero, promoting the initiative and otherwise providing advice and support. The employees of the Arwed Löseke company also support the KulturFabrik, for example by regularly holding company parties in the "old production halls" in Langer Garten, which of course always means a piece of remembrance of old times, especially for the older employees of the company.
Thanks to the efforts and achievements of all those involved, the KulturFabrik was able to grow out of its infancy into what it is today: a place of art and culture, a venue for social project work and an event center with a special flair.
In 2007, Arwed Löseke Papierverarbeitung und Druckerei GmbH was awarded the "Kultur-Kontakte-Preis" as an award from the state of Lower Saxony for entrepreneurial cultural promotion.
The Arwed Löseke family and company will continue to support the KUFA directly and indirectly in the future (through donations, zero rent, investment measures, events, etc.), because they are convinced that they can set positive socio-political accents. In addition, the history of the red brick building in the Langer Garten will be preserved for the future.

Endowed professorships for HAWK and university
At the beginning of 2006, Mr. Dipl.-Kaufmann Arwed Löseke privately founded the "Arwed Löseke University Foundation Hildesheim". In addition, since the spring of 2005, the company Arwed Löseke Papierverarbeitung und Druckerei GmbH has donated considerable amounts to the University of Hildesheim and the HAWK Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen for the establishment of one endowed professorship each for the sustainable strengthening of economic subjects.
An endowed professorship for family businesses has been established at HAWK, headed by Prof. Dr. Christoph Kolbeck. The performance of this professorship is to consist primarily in general business teaching programs for students of certain courses of study at HAWK, but also for the promotion of business start-ups and freelance self-employment, in interdisciplinary teaching programs (languages and communication), in special continuing education programs for members of family businesses and, last but not least, in research and development projects on issues from the field of family businesses.
Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Kolbeck, numerous projects have already been realized in the meantime, such as:
- "STARTklar!", a business start-up initiative for students at HAWK
- Real case seminars at the company Löseke and other companies in the region with students to work on strategy projects
- Business study in cooperation with HI-REG Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Hildesheim Region mbH
- Foundation of the Hildesheim Entrepreneurs' Circle
The University of Hildesheim established an endowed professorship for the field of business informatics. Prof. Dr. Dr. Lars Schmidt-Thieme, who heads this department, covers on the one hand the urgent need for teaching, research and further education at the interface of business administration / information technology, but is also to offer further education for representatives of medium-sized businesses in the areas of data, knowledge and information management, analysis and optimization of business processes, e-commerce, online market research and computer-based decision support. Students of the Institute of Business Administration & Information Systems supported the company Löseke in the preparation and implementation of the following projects:
- Machine data acquisition
- Document Management
- Output Management
In the winter semester 2008/2009, the company Löseke provided a scholarship program for first-year students in the bachelor's degree program in business information systems to reimburse the tuition fee. From the second semester onwards, a scholarship system for the best students will follow.
The establishment of these two endowed professorships is intended to strengthen the interactive networking between universities and the business community in the Hildesheim region to the benefit of both.
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